Pierre Henri
WWII veteran hero Ronald Scharfe: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it” What’s happened to America since 1945?More
WWII veteran hero Ronald Scharfe:
"I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it”
What’s happened to America since 1945?
Sean Johnson
Dr. Mercola goes new Age and Anticatholic

A warning about Dr. Joe Mercola

I am sure that many of my readers have followed Dr. Joseph Mercola over the years; I know I have so it only stands to reason that anyone who is interested in natural …
Sean Johnson
Ps: Other interesting articles at OP website, which I’d never heard of until someone sent me the link in the OP. Scroll down to bottom to see some …More
Ps: Other interesting articles at OP website, which I’d never heard of until someone sent me the link in the OP. Scroll down to bottom to see some titles of recent articles. I’m going to give the blog a more attentive browsing.
Sean Johnson
Mercola has been right about a good number of things (especially all things covid-related). But openly firing all his Catholic staffers precisely because …More
Mercola has been right about a good number of things (especially all things covid-related). But openly firing all his Catholic staffers precisely because they were Catholic after having shortly beforehand fallen under the influence of a New Age occultist means he’s lost whatever credibility he previously had, and obviously can no longer be relied upon for sound advice.
Franco Toscano

Sacred Heart of Jesus, 7 June 2024, Solemnity Sunday 9. ‘Fear nothing. I will reign in spite of my enemies and anyone who tries to oppose me", said …

Today it is clear that we do not want the Sacred Heart of Jesus to reign over us. In the hymn of the feast of Christ the King, Te saecolorum Principem, it is sung: The unholy mob cries out: We do not …More
Today it is clear that we do not want the Sacred Heart of Jesus to reign over us. In the hymn of the feast of Christ the King, Te saecolorum Principem, it is sung: The unholy mob cries out: We do not want Christ to reign. Scelésta turba clámitat: Regnáre Christum nólumus,
So we do when we accept the secular state, divorce, abortion, civil unions for homosexuals and the many anti-Christian or non-Christian things that are present.
And then the modernists don't want it either, one only has to read the changes that the reformers made in the prayers of the feast of Christ the King, (Oration, Super Oblata, postcommunio) to be convinced or to discover that the two stanzas always in the splendid hymn Te saeculorum Principem of the vespers of the feast in which the temporal nature of Christ's reign is manifested, were simply DELETED in the Liturgia Horarum of 2002. Here are these two stanzas:
Te nationum Præsides Te the rulers of …More
De Profundis
Diocese apologises after a priest makes fun of Buddha during sermon, calling him "this fat, seated man with a beautiful belly"
sp2 . .
Eddie the Eagle - a must for every child Stop - don't touch - run away - call an adult Parents expressed shock Thursday after a 4th grader brought a loaded gun to an elementary school in Los Angeles …More
Eddie the Eagle -
a must for every child
Stop - don't touch - run away - call an adult
Parents expressed shock Thursday after a 4th grader brought a loaded gun to an elementary school in Los Angeles earlier this week.
The 10-year-old boy was caught with the loaded 40-caliber Glock 22 handgun at Glassell Park Elementary School after showing it to another student on Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program

Does your child know what to do if he or she finds a gun? The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program is a gun accident prevention program that seeks to help parents, law enforcement …

Monsignor Gänswein: Appointment to Vilnius Imminent

The appointment of Archbishop Georg Gänswein to the Vilnius nunciature for the three Baltic countries is imminent, writes LaNuovaBq.it. (6 June): "The bags are already packed". "Barring any last-minute …More
The appointment of Archbishop Georg Gänswein to the Vilnius nunciature for the three Baltic countries is imminent, writes LaNuovaBq.it. (6 June): "The bags are already packed".
"Barring any last-minute complications, the official appointment should not take too long." Governments can take around three months to approve a nuncio.
The appointment was first announced in April by Argentine journalist Elisabetta Piqué, a friend of Francis since his days in Buenos Aires.
Sad…so very sad. He could have served the Church much better and far more effectively remaining unassigned to a Vatican role. At least in such a case …More
Sad…so very sad. He could have served the Church much better and far more effectively remaining unassigned to a Vatican role. At least in such a case, he would be able to maintain a strong, independent voice with which to speak truth, expose and reveal corruption and corrupters, and defend the Faith. Now, he will be at the behest and diabolical whims of his Vatican masters: silenced, emasculated, shackled and handcuffed, with the threat of dismissal and perpetual exile or even some form of blackmail hanging over his head like the sharp, death-dealing blade of a guillotine, which can be released to drop at any time. This cannot end well for him.
Former Boston College High School Priest Charged in Connection with Rape of Student

Former Boston College High School Priest Charged in Connection with Rape of Student

A Jesuit priest and former teacher at Boston College High School was indicted in connection with the rape of a student …
Vincent Capuano shares from Irapuato
A House of 5000 Relics | Faith & Facts | SW NEWS Unveiling a hidden treasury! Have you heard of St. Anthony Chapel? This captivating place houses over 5,000 sacred relics, like a splinter of the True …More
A House of 5000 Relics | Faith & Facts | SW NEWS
Unveiling a hidden treasury! Have you heard of St. Anthony Chapel? This captivating place houses over 5,000 sacred relics, like a splinter of the True Cross and a thorn from the Crown of Thorns. Imagine encountering pieces of history and holy figures! St. Anthony Chapel boasts over 800 reliquaries and even has certificates of authenticity for many of these relics. Explore the lives of saints and apostles through these relics – it's a pilgrimage you can take without leaving town! Learn more about this fascinating place on 'Faith & Facts' brought to you by Shalom World News.

The Endocrine Society’s last chance to protect children - Washington Examiner

The society is one of the foremost advocates of aggressive, invasive, and irreversible “gender-affirming” treatments for …

Precinct Voting & No Machines - Fides et Ratio

As a frustrated citizen, I stand before you to emphasize the importance of returning to precinct voting & paper ballot voting systems by the next election …
la verdad prevalece shares from en.news
Once again Bergoglio Advertises unrepentant transvestite prostitutes Monsignor Vigano does not need to present evidence, the facts speak for themselves. Saint Paul explains in Romans 1:32 that homosexual …More
Once again Bergoglio Advertises unrepentant transvestite prostitutes
Monsignor Vigano does not need to present evidence, the facts speak for themselves.
Saint Paul explains in Romans 1:32 that homosexual activists like Bergoglio are homosexuals themselves.
Romans 1:32
Although they are fully cognizant of God’s decree that those who behave in this way deserve to die, they not only do these things themselves but also praise all those who engage in such conduct.

Francis Again Advertises Transvestite Prostitutes

"Here she is, the enfant terrible....," Francis said at the end of his tour of St Peter's Square after the general audience on 5 June, referring to Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, 81. OsservatoreRomano.va …More
"Here she is, the enfant terrible....," Francis said at the end of his tour of St Peter's Square after the general audience on 5 June, referring to Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, 81.
OsservatoreRomano.va reports that Francis greeted the sister, who lives with Sister Anna Amelia in a trailer among homosexual and transvestite prostitutes in Rome. She has been encouraging them in their vice for 56 years without calling them to repentance.
Francis sees in her "the Gospel [according to Bergoglio] lived on earth". If she had tried to lead the transvestites to Christ, Francis would have insulted her as "rigid", "dogmatic", "promotor of proselytism" or some other epithet.
On Wednesday, Jeanningros appeared with a person called "Ada", to whom Francis gave a rosary and a blessing. They were placed in the front row, as is Francis' custom when he receives transvestites who use this occasion to promote their vice.
Next Wednesday, Jeanningros will return with another group of ten privileged people, …More
la verdad prevalece
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 New Catholic Bible Are you not aware that wrongdoers will never inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, …More
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
New Catholic Bible
Are you not aware that wrongdoers will never inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites,[a] 10 thieves, extortioners, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.
Sodomites: see note on 1 Tim 1:10
1 Timothy 1:10 NCB
for those who are fornicators, sodomites, slave traders, liars, perjurers, and for whatever else...
Sodomites: adult males who have relations with boy prostitutes. The latter are also known as catamites after the Latin name (Catamitus) of Ganymede, the cupbearer of the gods in Greek mythology. See also Rom 1:26f and 1 Cor 6:9. Slave traders: literally, “dealers in men,” who included slaves but also men destined to be thrown into the arena or to serve unmentionable vices.
la verdad prevalece
The Apocalypse calls sodomites 'Dogs' and places them outside of Heaven. Revelation 22:15 Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and fornicators and murderers …More
The Apocalypse calls sodomites 'Dogs' and places them outside of Heaven. Revelation 22:15 Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and fornicators and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. So much so that the Apocalypse calls the false prophet "Beast", also known as the son of perdition and also as the lawless man because by usurping the place of God he defies the Law of God.
Revelation 22:15
New Catholic Bible
15 Others must remain outside: the dogs,[a] the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices deceit.
Revelation 22:15 Dogs: when the term was applied to people it referred to all types of ceremonially unclean persons and also to people of low moral character: e.g., male prostitutes (Deut 23:18) and unfaithful leaders (Isa 56:10).

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Easy-to-Read Version 9-10 Surely you know that people who do wrong will not get to enjoy God’s kingdom. Don’t be fooled. These are the people …More
Fred Alan Medforth

Four suspected IS sympathisers on trial in Linz, Austria: They shared execution videos and set up a …

Four suspected IS supporters will stand trial in Linz on Thursday. Three young men (16, 17, 19) and …

Resistite fortes

Resistite fortes Resistite fortes Message to the Catholic Resistance in Poland May 31, 2024 Most Reverend Excellency, dear Monsignor Michal, Reverend priests and clerics, dear faithful …
Luciano Costa
Thursday, June 6, 2024 3:30 pm Mass, in English, at the Chapel of ApparitionsMore
Thursday, June 6, 2024 3:30 pm
Mass, in English, at the Chapel of Apparitions
... why the President of the United States publicly soiled himself.
Alejandrina Reyes
Wasn’t he 💩?
Well, in Biden's defense, he did just shake Macron's hand.
Megan Roberts, a Catholic mother of seven small kids, who “touched so many hearts,” succumbed to cancer. “Being diagnosed at 19 weeks of pregnancy, with 6 rounds of chemotherapy and prayers to …More
Megan Roberts, a Catholic mother of seven small kids, who “touched so many hearts,” succumbed to cancer. “Being diagnosed at 19 weeks of pregnancy, with 6 rounds of chemotherapy and prayers to St.Philomena, she continued to carry her child to full term and gave birth to their miracle baby Patrick Peyton,” her obituary reads.
Those beautiful girls are carbon copies of their precious mother. Her blessed memories will live on in them. “Eternal Rest grant her, O Lord. And let …More
Those beautiful girls are carbon copies of their precious mother. Her blessed memories will live on in them. “Eternal Rest grant her, O Lord. And let perpetual Light shine upon her. May she and all the Faithful departed, through Your mercy and grace, Rest In Peace.”
Billy F
Eternal Rest Grant Her O Lord And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Her; May She And All The Faithful Departed, Through Your Mercy And Grace, Rest In Peace …More
Eternal Rest Grant Her O Lord And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Her; May She And All The Faithful Departed, Through Your Mercy And Grace, Rest In Peace. Amen
One more comment
My comment is not in any sense a reflection of my position on chemtrails, but rather on a general lack of sense. If one holds the position that the …More
My comment is not in any sense a reflection of my position on chemtrails, but rather on a general lack of sense.
If one holds the position that the pictured streaks in the sky consist only of water vapor, they are still man-made clouds.
Calling those streaks "homogenitus cirrus" is true, regardless of what they consist of, and there is no reason for taking specific notice of the use of that term.
This man has been investigating and trying to spread the word for a very long time; geoengineeringwatch.org
Love God in the current moment. Thank him.
“Loon sug da organ possessor”
Well after all that time and iterations its more likely say "Luke sun de origami pissessor"More
Well after all that time and iterations its more likely say
"Luke sun de origami pissessor"

Kentucky parish tells homosexual ‘couples’ to contact priest for a ‘blessing’

A pro-LGBT parish in Lexington is telling homosexual “couples” to contact the church’s pastor if they want to receive a “blessing.” Historic St. Paul Church states on the “LGBTQ+ MINISTRY & FORTUNATE …More
A pro-LGBT parish in Lexington is telling homosexual “couples” to contact the church’s pastor if they want to receive a “blessing.”
Historic St. Paul Church states on the “LGBTQ+ MINISTRY & FORTUNATE FAMILIES” section of its website, “Same-sex couples who would like a blessing, please contact Father Richard.”
The website also features a highly blasphemous so-called “Prayer to Our Mother of Pride,” accompanied by a poster depicting the Mother of God wrapped in a rainbow-colored coat holding a child, likely a depiction of Jesus Christ.
The Catholic Church infallibly condemns all homosexual activity as mortally sinful and “intrinsically disordered,” as well as a sin that “cries to heaven for vengeance,” and denounces homosexual tendencies as “objectively disordered.”
As LifeSiteNews previously reported, the Diocese of Lexington, headed by pro-LGBT Bishop John Stowe, repeatedly referred to a woman who calls herself a man and lives as a “diocesan hermit” as a man named “Brother Christian …More
Tomito Barnin Railin shares this