A lot of truth bombs from Alex Jones about our British royals.. VIDEO: Prince William And Wife Push Poison Shots While 5,000 Brits Freeze To Death Under Father's OrdersMore
A lot of truth bombs from Alex Jones about our British royals..
VIDEO: Prince William And Wife Push Poison Shots While 5,000 Brits Freeze To Death Under Father's Orders

VIDEO: Prince William And Wife Push Poison Shots While 5,000 Brits Freeze To Death Under Father's …

VIDEO: Prince William And Wife Push Poison Shots While 5,000 Brits Freeze To Death Under Father's …
I hate the royals! Their royal idiots!
IF you live in the UK, support my petition to ban fake meat in the UK.. Thank you in advance. Allowance of lab-cultured meat would herald the rise of multinational companies at the expense of local …More
IF you live in the UK, support my petition to ban fake meat in the UK.. Thank you in advance.
Allowance of lab-cultured meat would herald the rise of multinational companies at the expense of local British producers. I would like to request they neither be produced or sold in the UK from elsewhere until studies are done showing proven health benefits.
There is a lack of conclusive evidence that lab-grown meat produces less of an impact on the environment than traditionally-reared meat. Meat is the only food you can live on exclusively; the effects of synthetic meat are currently unknown on the health of consumer citizens. Grown from cancer cells ??!?? If you produce a food that has no relationship to man, land, work, you can move production to a place with lower taxes and less environmental standards, hurting jobs and the environment.

Petition: Ban lab-grown meat from being produced and sold in the UK

Allowance of lab-cultured meat would herald the rise of multinational companies at the expense of local British producers. I would like …


To the Eminent Cardinals of Pre-2013 Appointment - Secretariat of State - Vatican City" With his alleged “resignation” on …
Maria delos Angeles
@SonoftheChurch you say focus on the TRUTH? What is the truth in terms of sorting this problem out? Have you got a better suggestion? If so, pray do …More
@SonoftheChurch you say focus on the TRUTH? What is the truth in terms of sorting this problem out? Have you got a better suggestion? If so, pray do tell., otherwise it seems the most likely option for now.
This is the wrong tree to be barking up, right now. A total, absolute waste of time, energy, effort and focus. We need to direct our attention and …More
This is the wrong tree to be barking up, right now. A total, absolute waste of time, energy, effort and focus. We need to direct our attention and channel our energies and resources toward more fruitful endeavors, and most importantly, towards the TRUTH, and not directed unproductively towards unproven conspiracy theories and hypotheticals, that are completely delusional and founded upon wishful thinking, at best.
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Blessing Your Home On Epiphany? How To Do It In 2024

Blessing Your Home on Epiphany? How to Do It in 2024 – EWTN Global Catholic Television Network

Blessing Your Home on Epiphany? How to Do It in 2024 Epiphany Blessing, Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., CC BY-NC-ND …
The Saint’s Name Generator – Find Your Patron Saint For 2024!More
The Saint’s Name Generator – Find Your Patron Saint For 2024!

Saint Name Generator: Who Should Your Patron Saint Be This Year?

Perhaps, like me, you have already made and broken several New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe you haven’t made any, or maybe you are doing …
Maria delos Angeles
@ Prudi Patriarsije you could see it that way, you could see it as a bit of harmless fun, or you ask God beforehand to choose you the saint for the year …More
@ Prudi Patriarsije you could see it that way, you could see it as a bit of harmless fun, or you ask God beforehand to choose you the saint for the year, He who, if you ask Him for a fish, will he give you a scorpion? Asking for the counsel of a saint in the Beatitude of Heaven seeing the Father face to face, whoever it might be, I do not think could ever be something that is "hurtful". The worst thing that could happen is they choose not to respond to you (?)
Prayer to blind Satan: "My adorable Jesus, May our feet journey together. May our hands gather in unity. May our hearts beat in unison. May our souls be in harmony. May our thoughts be as one. May our …More
Prayer to blind Satan:
"My adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together.
May our hands gather in unity.
May our hearts beat in unison.
May our souls be in harmony.
May our thoughts be as one.
May our ears listen to the silence together. May our glances profoundly penetrate each other. May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father."
2 pages

Are the ten horns i.e. the ten kings in the Book of Revelation the ten secretary generals of the UN? What do you think?

A shadow government? :- Revelation 17: 12 “And the ten horns which thou sawest, are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but shall receive power as kings one hour after the beast. 13 These …More
A shadow government? :- Revelation 17: 12 “And the ten horns which thou sawest, are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but shall receive power as kings one hour after the beast. 13 These have one design: and their strength and power they shall deliver to the beast. 14 These shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, because he is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and they that are with him are called, and elect, and faithful."
What are the aims of the 2030 agenda?
Alger Hiss, (a communist from the US),
Trygve Lie (a socialist from Norway)
Dag Hammerskjold (a socialist Norway)
U Thant, (a socialist from Burma, now Myanmar)
Kurt Waldheim (a Nazi from Austria)
Javier Perez de Guellar (a socialist from Peru) Boutros Boutros-Ghali (a socialist from Egypt) Kofi Anan (a socialist from Guyana) Ban Ki Mun (a socialist from S. Korea) Antonio Gutterez (a communist from Portugal) Secretary generals of the UN Quoting Rima Libow from yesterday on Infowars "if you read …More
Maria delos Angeles
is n't this lovely? this is happening literally a direct bus ride away from me, a lovely exhibition at the Royal Academy featuring performance art, nudity and artwork relating to mortality and threat …More
is n't this lovely? this is happening literally a direct bus ride away from me, a lovely exhibition at the Royal Academy featuring performance art, nudity and artwork relating to mortality and threat of harm by Marina Abramovich, asked by Volodymyr Z to be ambassador for Ukraine. From an "artist" known for smearing herself in faeces, sperm and blood. just down the road from me.. How lovely.

Marina Abramović | Exhibition | Royal Academy of Arts

An art world icon and a performance art pioneer – Marina Abramović has captivated audiences by pushing the limits of her body and mind, for the past …
Ok I will pay no attention to them. !
Maria delos Angeles
Pay no attention @123jussi @Jeffrey Ade , he is all the Letter of the Law but lacking the spirit. I think Bergoglio had a word for that: 'rigid'. Jesus …More
Pay no attention @123jussi @Jeffrey Ade , he is all the Letter of the Law but lacking the spirit. I think Bergoglio had a word for that: 'rigid'. Jesus frequented sinners.
17 more comments
Pope Francis calls for ‘obligatory and readily monitored’ climate measures in COP28 message Neo-feudalist, Marxist, Communist, globalist, fascist dictatorship, the New One World Religion. Gnostic …More
Pope Francis calls for ‘obligatory and readily monitored’ climate measures in COP28 message
Neo-feudalist, Marxist, Communist, globalist, fascist dictatorship, the New One World Religion. Gnostic Environmental Religion, ie religion of Bergoglio -Neo-paganism.

Pope Francis calls for ‘obligatory and readily monitored’ climate measures in COP28 message - LifeSite

Mon Dec 4, 2023 - 8:23 pm ESTTue Dec 5, 2023 - 2:14 pm EST (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis called for …
Maria delos Angeles
Because it is mother earth worship in Bergoglio's case, there necessarily needs to be human sacrifice in all pagan religions
Maria delos Angeles
I think they are cutting off the resources.
3 more comments
Do they know something we do not ? Households should stock up on candles and battery-powered radios in case a catastrophe cripples digital gadgets, the deputy prime minister has warned. Oliver DowdenMore
Do they know something we do not ?
Households should stock up on candles and battery-powered radios in case a catastrophe cripples digital gadgets, the deputy prime minister has warned.
Oliver Dowden urged people to prepare for being thrown back to an 'analogue' era if internet and power systems collapse.
Details will be set out in an official government 'resilience website' – launching next year – which will offer advice on how to prepare for natural disasters, pandemics and malicious acts such as cyber attacks or terrorism.

Don't panic but... Brits should stock up on candles and battery-powered radios in case a power meltdown …

Oliver Dowden urged people to prepare for being thrown back to an 'analogue' era if internet and power …
Advance notice of Hour of Grace 12pm-1pm, Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
5 pages
Credo .
No Comment!
Maria delos Angeles
ROSA MYSTICA It is my wish that every year, on 8th December, at noon, the HOUR OF GRACE FOR THE WORLD be celebrated . Many divine and bodily graces will …More
ROSA MYSTICA It is my wish that every year, on 8th December, at noon, the HOUR OF GRACE FOR THE WORLD be celebrated . Many divine and bodily graces will be received through this devotion. Our Lord, my Divine Son Jesus, will send His overflowing mercy if good people will pray continuously for their sinful brother. One should very soon notify the Holy Father of the Church, Pope Pius XII, that it is my wish that the HOUR OF GRACE FOR THE WORLD be made known and spread throughout the world. If anyone is unable to visit his church, yet will pray at noon at home, he will also receive graces through me. Whoever prays on these tiles and weeps tears of penance, will find a secure heavenly ladder and receive protection and grace through my motherly heart. Then Our Lady showed Pierina her heart and said: Look at this heart which loves mankind so very much, but most people only shower offenses upon it. If the good and the bad unite in prayer they will obtain mercy and peace through this heart. The …More
Bob Marley: One Love's new trailer Am sharing this, because I believe he is in Heaven, and (probably) was assassinated.More
Bob Marley: One Love's new trailer
Am sharing this, because I believe he is in Heaven, and (probably) was assassinated.

Bob Marley: One Love's new trailer

Bob Marley: One Love's new trailer was released on Tuesday giving a glimpse at what viewers can expect from the upcoming biopic.
English Catholic
@Maria delos Angeles He was a self-professed cannabis-smoking Rastafarian, not a Catholic. He died from melanoma The Bob Marley melanoma story also …More
@Maria delos Angeles He was a self-professed cannabis-smoking Rastafarian, not a Catholic. He died from melanoma The Bob Marley melanoma story also Bob Marley - Wikipedia and wasn't assassinated. Why put this stuff on GTV? Plenty of music blogs around to share this 'news'.
13 more comments
Guidance on the FSA Consultation on Precision Breeding There is to be a consultation on PBOs (precision-bred organisms) , what is the difference between that and GMOs? What is there to consult on? It …More
Guidance on the FSA Consultation on Precision Breeding
There is to be a consultation on PBOs (precision-bred organisms) , what is the difference between that and GMOs?
What is there to consult on? It is a no-brainer that the public should know what is being put in their food, and where it came from, but they do not want to make it transparent. There is a lack of long term study on long-term effects of these PBOs.

Guidance on the FSA Consultation on Precision Breeding

We have had many requests for help in filling in the Food Standards Agency (FSA) consultation on the deregulation of genetically modified precision …

The Astonishing Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Andrew. Nun Nectaria (McLees)

After the dormition of the Mother of God, St. Andrew began his final journey from Jerusalem. The trail of tradition says …
BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina HagimaMore
BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics …

In this groundbreaking interview with my colleague Dr. Geanina Hagima from Romania, she reveals her …
MPs to debate International Health Regulations The Petitions Committee has scheduled a debate on International Health Regulations legislation for Monday 18 December at 4.30pm. The Department of Health …More
MPs to debate International Health Regulations
The Petitions Committee has scheduled a debate on International Health Regulations legislation for Monday 18 December at 4.30pm. The Department of Health and Social Care will send a Government Minister to respond.

Petition: Hold a parliamentary vote on whether to reject amendments to the IHR 2005

We are concerned that Parliament has not discussed and will not have a say on the 307 proposed amendments to the …
Could this be part of the Tribulation?

Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 28, 2023 - The Chinese humanoid robot factories go online in 2025, …

Brighteon.com is a leading online free platform that empowers free speech, allowing individuals to …

Actionable item: Write to elected goverment rep.

Re: IHR amendments to WHO pandemic treaty. ---o0 Not being talked about in the NEWS, apparently. :- MARIA ZEEE Uncensored: RED ALERT! WHO Has Written a REMOVAL of Human Dignity, Rights & Freedom – …More
Re: IHR amendments to WHO pandemic treaty.
Not being talked about in the NEWS, apparently.
Uncensored: RED ALERT! WHO Has Written a REMOVAL of Human Dignity, Rights & Freedom – James Roguski With Maria Zeee
Uncensored: RED ALERT! WHO Has Written a REMOVAL of Human Dignity, Rights & Freedom - James Roguski With Maria Zeee
James Roguski joins Maria Zeee to issue a RED ALERT for all of humanity - the WHO has written in a REMOVAL of human dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms during their secret meetings to negotiate amendments to the International Health Regulations, which every member country is legally bound by. Please visit https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/c5c16e46-3009-4b19-aa93-3b711329f4e3" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> substack.com/p/the-proposed-amendments-to-the-international for more information and SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE!
Maria delos Angeles
These proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) seek to remove respect for your dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms …More
These proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) seek to remove respect for your dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms. NOW is the time to take action to stop this.