Feast of St Joseph. St Joseph & Brother AndréMore
Feast of St Joseph.
St Joseph & Brother André
Abraham, to Joseph. This is a story of God chosen people by Abraham, and his desandence of Sarah, Isaac, Jacob(Israël) & Joseph.More
Abraham, to Joseph.
This is a story of God chosen people by Abraham, and his desandence of Sarah, Isaac, Jacob(Israël) & Joseph.
Easter Lamb shares this
Bookmarks. My BookmarksMore
My Bookmarks
Moses. The full stories of Moses and the mount SanaïMore
The full stories of Moses and the mount Sanaï
Easter Lamb shares this
Bookmarks. My BookmarksMore
My Bookmarks
First day of lent. The Temptations of ChristMore
First day of lent.
The Temptations of Christ
Ash Wednesday. Time of penance. It's all about spiritual warfare.More
Ash Wednesday.
Time of penance. It's all about spiritual warfare.
Lent. What is lent?More
What is lent?
Who was Pope Benedict XVI. We had a such a good Pope.More
Who was Pope Benedict XVI.
We had a such a good Pope.
The Exorcist Files. WARNING: THIS VIDEO IS NOT FOR EVERY ONE. A shocking revelation of an Exorcist.More
The Exorcist Files.
A shocking revelation of an Exorcist.
Thank you for posting this video! I appreciate the knowledge that all God's children should be aware of. God Bless you!
Universiae Ecclesiae Gloriam. Deo Gratias!More
Universiae Ecclesiae Gloriam.
Deo Gratias!
Magnifique! 👏 Ne pas se laisser impressionner; notre combat est en effet à contre-courant de celui du monde. Monde qui nous hait à cause de Son Nom …More
Magnifique! 👏
Ne pas se laisser impressionner; notre combat est en effet à contre-courant de celui du monde.
Monde qui nous hait à cause de Son Nom, comme Notre Seigneur nous a prévenu dès le départ. Il faut choisir son camp.
Si nous avons confiance, Il nous donnera Sa force et Sa sérénité et les événements de ce monde seront pour notre âme comme les vagues des tempêtes pour les grands fonds des océans, à savoir, rien...
Sa paix n'est pas celle du monde...
Michel-René Landry
🤗 Union of prayer! Deo gratias!More
Union of prayer!
Deo gratias!
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SIGNUM MAGNUM. Signum magnum apparuit in caelo. Mulier amicta sole et luna sub pedibus eius et in capite eius corona duodecim stellarum.More
Signum magnum apparuit in caelo.
Mulier amicta sole
et luna sub pedibus eius
et in capite eius corona duodecim stellarum.
Messe de l'Assomption de la Très sainte Vierge MARIE ! 😉
Beatae Mariae virginis, ora pro nobis 🤗More
Beatae Mariae virginis, ora pro nobis
Vision of Hell and Purgatory. Testimony of Hell and Purgatory by Marino Restrepo.More
Vision of Hell and Purgatory.
Testimony of Hell and Purgatory by Marino Restrepo.
Does hell exist?Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONY. ocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/hell-exists.html .More
Does hell exist?Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONY. ocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/hell-exists.html
Ordination-Subdiaconate-F.S.S.P. The Solemn Pontifical Mass took place at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, F.S.S.PMore
The Solemn Pontifical Mass took place at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, F.S.S.P
Restoration of the Latin Liturgy. Why is it so important to focus in restoration of the Latin Liturgy?More
Restoration of the Latin Liturgy.
Why is it so important to focus in restoration of the Latin Liturgy?
1er Dimanche de l'avant. Homélie de l'abbé Loiseau pour le Ier Dimanche de l'Avent. Missionnaires de la miséricorde divineMore
1er Dimanche de l'avant.
Homélie de l'abbé Loiseau pour le Ier Dimanche de l'Avent.
Missionnaires de la miséricorde divine
The End times p2 This is a proper sources from the Catholic Church. Their is so many falls prophecy about the End times and on the Anti Christ. It is so Sensational that people fall into those trap …More
The End times p2
This is a proper sources from the Catholic Church. Their is so many falls prophecy about the End times and on the Anti Christ. It is so Sensational that people fall into those trap even Catholic.
The End Times P1 This is a proper sources from the Catholic Church. Their is so many falls prophecy about the End times and on the Anti Christ. It is so Sensational that people fall into those trap …More
The End Times P1
This is a proper sources from the Catholic Church.
Their is so many falls prophecy about the End times and on the Anti Christ. It is so Sensational that people fall into those trap even Catholic.
Moises & the 10 Commandment. This is the 10 commandment film of 1956.More
Moises & the 10 Commandment.
This is the 10 commandment film of 1956.
Roman_S shares this
moses. ten commandmentMore
ten commandment
Sister Lucia & Fatima. Full video of sister Lucia and Fatima.More
Sister Lucia & Fatima.
Full video of sister Lucia and Fatima.
Michel-René Landry
🤗 Unity in the Catholic Church! Deo gratias in infinitum!More
🤗 Unity in the Catholic Church!
Deo gratias in infinitum!
Dear: Michel-Rene Landry of all the many wonderful videos, you have made available on this very Generous website: GLORIA.TV : This Video of our Lady of …More
Dear: Michel-Rene Landry of all the many wonderful videos, you have made available on this very Generous website: GLORIA.TV : This Video of our Lady of Fatima {Adult Version,if I may say} is one of the most Important, and Good works performed. Deo Gratias: Thanks be to God Our Lady of Fatima: Pray for us
The Incorruptibles. The extraordinary work of God through this holy incorruptible body's of our saints.More
The Incorruptibles.
The extraordinary work of God through this holy incorruptible body's of our saints.
Salve Mater Misericordiae. Maria VirgineMore
Salve Mater Misericordiae.
Maria Virgine
Duszo najmilsza, jeszcze jedną tajemnicę chcę ci odsłonić, zanim opuścisz to miejsce, na którym tak wiele łask ci udzieliłem. Królestwo Moje rozszerzać …More
Duszo najmilsza, jeszcze jedną tajemnicę chcę ci odsłonić, zanim opuścisz to miejsce, na którym tak wiele łask ci udzieliłem.
Królestwo Moje rozszerzać się musi, gdyż Ja na to się urodziłem i na to przyszedłem na świat, aby Krwią swą obmyć świat z grzechów i założyć swe królestwo prawdy, sprawiedliwości i miłości. Aby przyjść na świat, miałem liczne sposoby do wyboru. Obrałem niepokalaną drogę Maryi. Przez Nią przyszedłem na świat, przez Nią też chcę królować nad światem.

Chcąc więc rozszerzyć Moje królestwo na świecie, wzywaj wstawiennictwa Maryi i szerz Jej królowanie. Jakże wiele macie Jej do zawdzięczenia. Oto stojąc u stóp krzyża, ta Matka Boleściwa zrodziła was wraz ze Mną do życia łaski, cierpieniami wydała was na świat, łzami i Krwią Serca swego zmyła grzechy wasze.
Zbliż się więc do Jej Serca i przez Jej królowanie, błagaj o tryumf i zwycięstwo Moje nad światem.

(Pan Jezus do św. Małgorzaty Marii)
✍️ O. Mateo Crawley-Boevey sscc 👍 🤗 🙏 🤗
Salve Mater Misericordiae 👏 👏 👏 😇More
Salve Mater Misericordiae
👏 👏 👏 😇
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