The Despair of the Philosophes

The Despair of the Philosophes

The period known as the Enlightenment (c. 1685-1815) was a critical moment in the history of Christendom, as it saw the emergence of a system of thought hostile to Christianity …
True, but the real turning point for Christianity was the so-called Renaissance period beginning after the High Middle Ages.

Finding myself in the cross of Christ - RADIANT

Socializing has never been difficult for my sanguine soul. Whether it’s a heart-to-heart or vibing in a large crowd, I get energy by being with people.…
Exempting children from Ontario's 2019 woke sex-curriculum

Exempting children from Ontario's 2019 woke sex-curriculum

Exemption Form. We post it below in this blog entry. The kind of topics that parents should be concerned with is that students will taught in …
The Ouija Board: It’s Not Just a Game

The Ouija Board: It’s Not Just a Game

As Catholics, it’s crucial to acknowledge the incredible danger that comes with engaging in occult activities like the Ouija board. In recent times, the Ouija board …
Deliverance from the 1960s Lust Revolution

Deliverance from the 1960s Lust Revolution

I am sure lust is a difficult subject matter for religion teachers to discuss with their teenage students. Once our young people reach puberty, and the secular …
chris griffin
To recoil before an enemy or to keep silence when from all sides such clamor is raised against truth, belongs to a man either devoid of character or …More
To recoil before an enemy or to keep silence when from all sides such clamor is raised against truth, belongs to a man either devoid of character or one who entertains doubt as to the truth of what he professes to believe. In both cases such mode of behaving is shameful and is insulting to God, and both are incompatible with salvation of mankind. Leo XIII, Encyclical Sapientiae Christianae
Why Do Some Covid-19 “Vaccine” Side Effects Resemble Symptoms of HIV?

Why Do Some Covid-19 “Vaccine” Side Effects Resemble Symptoms of HIV?

Discern.tv (Natural News)—A case report published in the Researchers out of Germany took a closer look at the adverse events commonly …

Supreme Court Seems Open to Allowing Some Presidential Immunity, May Delay Trump Trial

Coming up later today.... LIVE: PRESIDENT TRUMP WITH RSBN IN NEW YORK – 4/25/24More
Coming up later today....

LIVE: President Trump With RSBN in New York – 4/25/24

LIVE: President Trump With RSBN in New York – 4/25/24 by RSBN Studio April 24, 2024 written by RSBN Studio April 24, 2024 Share 0FacebookTwitterPi…
A New College Is Born

A New College Is Born ~ The Imaginative Conservative

Rosary College is the first-ever college in South Carolina to offer a tradition-oriented education in the Catholic tradition. Apart from offering …
Latest Tucker on X.... Ep. 98 ~ There is systemic racism in the United States, against whites. Everyone knows it. Nobody says it. How come? (April 24, 2024)More
Latest Tucker on X....
Ep. 98 ~ There is systemic racism in the United States, against whites. Everyone knows it. Nobody says it. How come? (April 24, 2024)