
A very good point

Diane Montagna: “A fundamental question about the Synod: Repeatedly, Synod officials, including yourself, have talked about the Holy Spirit as the ‘protagonist’ of the Synod; over and over again we hear about the Holy Spirit. Traditionally — well not just traditionally — the Catholic Church discerns the presence of the Holy Spirit by determining if something is in accord with Divine Revelation, the unanimous consensus of the Fathers, and Apostolic Tradition. How is this assembly discerning whether something comes from the Holy Spirit or from another spirit?”
Paolo Ruffini: “I can respond by citing the Creed, which you know: “I believe in the Holy Spirit.” For the rest, it is the People of God on a journey that is meeting to pray and converse together. In history, as in prior history, moments happen when the People of God gather, pray, God with them and the Holy Spirit acts.”
Diane Montagna: But how do we know that it’s the Holy Spirit?
Christiane Murray (vice-director of the Holy See Press Office): Thank you, thank you Dr Ruffini. Are there other questions? No, then… tomorrow there’s another meeting here.
(“October 6, 2023 Synod Press Briefing – Vatican”; bold print given. Translation Montagna’s.)