CNN Dueling billboards face off in Christmas controversy------uploaded by irapuato. Dueling billboards face off in Christmas controversy From Laura Dolan, CNN 'Tis the season to be jolly? Not entirely.More
CNN Dueling billboards face off in Christmas controversy------uploaded by irapuato.

Dueling billboards face off in Christmas controversy
From Laura Dolan, CNN
'Tis the season to be jolly? Not entirely.
Dear Tes, We must pray, too, for the souls of all these children, who have no one to teach who the Lord is...
Dear Tes, How you must be suffering--our prayers are with you! You know that in the end, the Lord will triumph!
All these kind on things make me so sad somehow. Here in Finland there was some time ago ( a year or so) a great campaign on public buses . They weree painted on the outside with a huge text that said: there is most posibly no God, so stob being worried. Smile and enjoy life. I have understoode that the same capaign was a kind of "Athiests united", and the buses were painted with similar texts in …More
All these kind on things make me so sad somehow. Here in Finland there was some time ago ( a year or so) a great campaign on public buses . They weree painted on the outside with a huge text that said: there is most posibly no God, so stob being worried. Smile and enjoy life. I have understoode that the same capaign was a kind of "Athiests united", and the buses were painted with similar texts in several countries. If I am correct, the most "colourful" bus-campaign they had in the UK. Some weeks ago in Helsinki, Finland, you were able to give away your Bible and change it to a pornographic magazine (I'm sorry if I'm making a lot of spelling errors, my native language is Finnish). They said in the news, this campaign of giving away Bibles (they had a huge barrel there where you could throw it into, and burn it then and there, was a HUGE success. What made me really angry - beside the thought that the people just threw away the Holy Bible, in order to get such filthy junk in return, was the fact that, that it went on for the whole day in the center of our country's Capital. Just think HOW MANY CHILDREN SAW IT AND ASKED THEIR PARENTS WHAT IT WAS, OR EVEN WORSE, SAW THEIR OWN PARENTS THROW AWAY THEIR BIBLE AND GET SUCH FILTH IN RETURN! I just felt so angry and helpless, I couldn't believe my eyes! All I could do, was to pray the Rosary.
CNN Dueling billboards face off in Christmas controversy