Don Reto Nay
The Clergy We Have... The clergy we need.More
The Clergy We Have...

The clergy we need.
Fr. Nay is that a picture of you in your younger days? (bottom caption)
In Honor of The Church Militant:
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. Amen
Don Reto Nay
But these were not my younger days, it was last week when walking in cassock through Istanbul airport converting our brothers who share the same God 😎
They want to please Satan by turning everything up side down as pushing sane people to insane people as "no gender" fallen angels, All purposes are against God, Almighty. They will be rooted out soon as they get exposed everyday.
Holy Cannoli
It's happened in society as well. Men have become wussies, pansies, jellyfish, wimps etc. 🤒
What's going on?
Feminization has come to represent the way of progress—for both men and women. This shows up with particular clarity within realms once predominantly feminine, like fashion. The point can be made in two words: floral ties. Mens’ clothing stores used to resemble a sea of blue and grey. But …More
It's happened in society as well. Men have become wussies, pansies, jellyfish, wimps etc. 🤒

What's going on?

Feminization has come to represent the way of progress—for both men and women. This shows up with particular clarity within realms once predominantly feminine, like fashion. The point can be made in two words: floral ties. Mens’ clothing stores used to resemble a sea of blue and grey. But in the early ’90s designers began applying trends in women’s accessories to men’s accessories. Unthinkably female items began selling to men, everything from wide belts to colorful neckwear. Men have been “heading for the manicurist and the hair salon,” sneered The Economist in a 1996 article reporting that the market for men’s hair color products is growing by as much as 20 percent a year. Link