Messaggio di Gesù a un angelo inedito agli scienziati. Forse questo è un avvertimento dato ad alcuni veggenti. Parlando di due castighi.Más
Messaggio di Gesù a un angelo inedito agli scienziati.
Forse questo è un avvertimento dato ad alcuni veggenti.
Parlando di due castighi.
Caterina Greco
di quale veggente stiamo parlando?
2 más comentarios
Warning Message of Jesus to the mystic Unreleased Angel. Jesus other than the social phenomenon he was poised to, was rejected by the church. For this reason these messages may sound strange. By any …Más
Warning Message of Jesus to the mystic Unreleased Angel.
Jesus other than the social phenomenon he was poised to, was rejected by the church. For this reason these messages may sound strange.
By any means you will only revisit this message once it is too late.
No offense.
Public message from Jesus, as it was conveyed to the mystic unreleas_d_angel.
Advertencia de Nuestro Señor Jesu-Cristo al mundo, dado al vidente místico Unreleas_d_Angel.
SI verdad, suena como metal que resuena, ó címbalo que retiñe.
Decir mentiras es un poco matizado. Quizás es polémico.
Un comentario más
Mensaje del señor Jesu-cristo al vidente místico Unreleas_d_Angel.
Public lent and easter celebrations are prohibited by the Nicaraguan president and his evil wife.

Ortega prohíbe todas las procesiones de Semana Santa en Nicaragua

La suspensión de los Viacrucis será uno de los peores desaciertos de los psicópatas”, dijo un sacerdote a la VOA en referencia al …
Salvatore Bastatti
The Dictator Pope: the Inside Story of the Francis Papacy, by Marcantonio Colonna. Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing 2018. 232 pp. $26.99 One is …Más
The Dictator Pope: the Inside Story of the Francis Papacy, by Marcantonio Colonna. Washington, D.C., Regnery Publishing 2018. 232 pp. $26.99
One is appalled at the behavior of the “dictator pope,” Jorge Bergoglio (to Roman Catholics, Pope Francis), that Marcantonio Colonna (pen name for H.J.A. Sure, who spent 2012-17 living in Rome) in his book sets forth. Bergoglio’s Jesuit Superior General (we are told early on in the book), objected to him being made a Bishop by JP II (32). This raises the question of discernment that clergy superiors have or do not have—especially when a man such as Bergoglio is elected Pope (after reaching the Cardinalate). Missing documents to which Colonna alludes proving this objection make his episcopal appointment even more puzzling.
This issue of clerical discernment, grave enough, is not as serious, however, as the charge in the book that Bergoglio gave part of Peter’s Pence to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign (92). How is it that Benedict XVI’s …Más
Послание Богородицы Марии Президенту России.
I had sent this to Putin via Send Message - The Russian Government My Jesus answered to me that Putin has seen this message and that his answer is: …Más
I had sent this to Putin via Send Message - The Russian Government
My Jesus answered to me that Putin has seen this message and that his answer is: Start Learning Russian!
Hear the Holy spirit for yourself! Do you want to hear the Holy Spirit for yourself, then please watch this video. Note that I am designing and constructing a Holy Spirit magnification machine. Now …Más
Hear the Holy spirit for yourself!
Do you want to hear the Holy Spirit for yourself, then please watch this video. Note that I am designing and constructing a Holy Spirit magnification machine. Now this machine is constructed and functional. In this video I make evident that this machine can also imprint Turin shroud like images with it. This is no coincidence. This machine magnifies the Lord without you needing to pray and fast. This machine provides the lamp that we all have inside us with the necessary oil. After your enlightenment with this machine you can hear the Holy Spirit. He talks to you through His burning fire that feels like a strong wind when you speak or hear truth. All the while you would feel nothing when you speak or hear false. This machine is important because not everybody has the time to pray and fast. And there is much lies going around in this world. The collected Spiritual Lamps of the people is turning off in this world and makes way for gross darkness. For this …Más
Yes I am very serious, this is an invitation to you and the other kings, the king's kinsmen and heirs. If you feel called you 're welcome.
Rand Miller
Is he serious?
Seeing too many fallacies here. Remember also that because something you say IS a fallacy, does NOT mean that it is NOT true. It just means that you are not able to explain what you want to say.Más
Seeing too many fallacies here.
Remember also that because something you say IS a fallacy, does NOT mean that it is NOT true. It just means that you are not able to explain what you want to say.
Possible Russian tactics to destabilize narrated in 1984. I am always reluctant to accept if somebody would claim that Russia caused the destabilization of the USA. The reason is that just because I …Más
Possible Russian tactics to destabilize narrated in 1984.
I am always reluctant to accept if somebody would claim that Russia caused the destabilization of the USA.
The reason is that just because I do not understand if the effort that is put in doing all this would actually yield long term profits.
If you are so intelligent as to invent such strategies, I would think that you are also intelligent enough to understand that this is like playing with fire.
Because when playing with fire, there is a chance you could burn yourself if you want to burn somebody else house.
So if the Russians would want to disappear USA, work hard on, spent resources on this, then that could very well spell their own demise.

Sister Lucia Dos Santos.

Recently I saw on Gloria TV an article that stated that Lucia Dos Santos, one of the visionaries of Fatima, was replaced by a substitute or lookalike. I found that hard to believe. Just by looking at …Más
Recently I saw on Gloria TV an article that stated that Lucia Dos Santos, one of the visionaries of Fatima, was replaced by a substitute or lookalike. I found that hard to believe. Just by looking at a picture it is mostly not enough to say if an old person on a picture is actually the same person from a picture taken at a younger age.
Just some software from Amazon, I would also not easily believe, because I don;t know what the software does.
For that reason I took a software developed by the university of Nottingham and ran some pictures through this software.
This software changes 2D pictures into 3D pictures.
I did that for pictures from 1917 1946 1967, 2000 and a picture taken in the coffin. I removed all facial expressions so that they do not affect the taking of measurements.
Then I took the base of the nose and aligned all pictures to that reference point. Then I scaled all the 3D images of the pictures of Lucia, proportionally to make all the mouth centers align.
Now it is …Más
"I removed all facial expressions so that they do not affect the taking of measurements." --and right there you've given both sides the excuse to say …Más
"I removed all facial expressions so that they do not affect the taking of measurements." --and right there you've given both sides the excuse to say you've altered the study sample to fit (whichever) conclusion.. -Just so you know. :/
3 más comentarios

The gospel of Judas Iskariotte

There is a gospel of Judas Iskariotte . This gospel appeared somewhere in 1978 and is authentically old. 250BC. That is not the same as authentically from Judas, but he might well be the source. it is …Más
There is a gospel of Judas Iskariotte . This gospel appeared
somewhere in 1978 and is authentically old. 250BC. That is
not the same as authentically from Judas, but he might well be the source. it is gnostic.
It was once translated as an effort from National Geographic.
It is difficult to read into. Much is missing. I was so irreverent as to clean it up and interpolate content through my gnostic knowledge to make it even more readable and accessible.
If you wish you can try to read it. Still the content is difficult
to understand. Whenever you stuck just forget about it.
INTRODUCTION: INCIPIT The secret account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot during a week three days before he celebrated Passover. THE EARTHLY MINISTRY OF JESUS When Jesus appeared on earth, he performed miracles and great wonders for the salvation of humanity. And since some walked in the way of righteousness, while others walked in their transgressions, the twelve disciples were …Más
Besides, if this writing is from 250 BC, is prophecy and wasn't written by Judas, precedes him by several hundred years...
Judas couldn't have written a gospel because he hanged himself immediately after returning the 30 pieces of silver. Matthew 27: 3-5
Un comentario más

The church gives to Caesar what belongs to God....Bishop Sanchez Sorondo.

Bishop Sanchez and the 10 commandments against climate change.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Man can have no effect on the climate until the population of humans is 1000000x more than as the present, the climate varies because the radiation …Más
Man can have no effect on the climate until the population of humans is 1000000x more than as the present, the climate varies because the radiation output of the Sun varies and the orbit of the Earth wobbles....the rest is a poliltical theatre of lies.
42,5 mil

Malachai Prophecy of the popes reconsidered.

These strophes are a copy of the very last strophes from the prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Malachai. It is always fun to consider prophecies before the facts, after the facts and also during the …Más
These strophes are a copy of the very last strophes from the prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Malachai.
It is always fun to consider prophecies before the facts, after the facts and also during the facts.
A couple of things stand out.
Every pope item that is mentioned with a cryptic sentence, ends with a dot.
Using the framework of dots as ends that demark popes, it is in the full sequence that Pope Benedict XVI would be Gloria oliuæ.
But then after Benedict, something strange happens.
The last two phrases definitively start with a capital letter and close with a dot, and are also remarkably paraphrased as two recognizable paragraphs.
S.R.E normally means Sacrae Romana Ecclesia. Note that the word Catholic did not exist yet. In this sense this phrase would be a phrase in itself. In psecutione extrema Sacrae Romana Ecclesia sedebit. meaning. In extreme persecution sits the Holy Roman Church. This would mean a time of nothing. Sedevacantism maybe. The current times I would argue, while …Más
Claudius Cartapus
@MyronM I expect to see him… after Francis… Card. Pietro (Petrus Romanus) Parolin, secretary of state of Vatican. Wikipedia. At this actual position …Más
@MyronM I expect to see him… after Francis… Card. Pietro (Petrus Romanus) Parolin, secretary of state of Vatican. Wikipedia. At this actual position, he could get the job of pope without conclave if the conclave would be impossible for major Reason, war or other. I think that Benedict XVI will see that, Petrus Parolin at the head of a 'new church' well described by Anna-Catherine Emmerich. The persecution from the 'new church' against the other one, the real Catholic Church of Benedict XVI. Look the prophecy of the Two Popes - One Peter 5
The end of the papacy in Rome is precisely described in the Prophecy of Saint Malachi (+ 1148), the archbishop of Armagh: 'Gloria Olivae' - Benedict …Más
The end of the papacy in Rome is precisely described in the Prophecy of Saint Malachi (+ 1148), the archbishop of Armagh: 'Gloria Olivae' - Benedict XVI; the glory/finial of the Roman Catholic church are two olive trees [Rev. 11, 4], which will blossom only now at the end of times - the Paraclete and the Woman of the Revelation. 'In persecutione extrema S.R.E. Sedebit' - 'S.R.E [Sancta Romana Ecclesia] is in a period of extreme persecution' - this is the phenomenon of Jorge Bergoglio, the destroyer of the Roman Catholic church (especially of the College of Cardinals, the very top of the Church hierarchy). Bergoglio, aside from the B16's dissolution of the papacy, as an apostate, could not be the vicar of Jesus Christ, and therefore Saint Malachi does not name his name among pontifices but only characterizes the effects of his actions. 'Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur & Iudex tremendus iudicabit populum suum. …Más
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Mystical vision.

I just had this dream vision. Francis was a wooden doll, sitting inside a wooden train making quick rounds. He just looked straight ahead, he looked at nobody and that is normal for a wooden doll. …Más
I just had this dream vision.
Francis was a wooden doll, sitting inside a wooden train making quick rounds.
He just looked straight ahead, he looked at nobody and that is normal for a wooden doll. Suddenly the track and the train became bigger everything became bigger but because of it, the rounds became slower.
Then I found myself in another place, restrained and looking at seven giants and a small man. Somehow I knew that the giants were four evil gods and there were three giant avengers of the God of Israel. The man was a lawyer.
The evil gods wanted to fight with the Avengers, and the trophy was to be the dead corpse of the queen of the heavens who was kept alive by the prayers of the faithful.
I pleaded that after the fight, the corpse of the Queen would go to the hands of the lawyer, outside the hands of the evil gods, so the lawyer could place the corpse inside a worthy mausoleum for the queen.
My plea was rejected by the kings and the lawyer.
The lawyer said that there could be …Más
@Credo . Just telling this mystical vision that I had. I remember it was 19 September 2019. For this reason I placed a Lady of Salette image next to it …Más
@Credo . Just telling this mystical vision that I had. I remember it was 19 September 2019. For this reason I placed a Lady of Salette image next to it. As it seems I decided to mention it here on October 2019. Funny that in december 2019 there was this cartoon, depicting more or less what I saw.
Credo .
1,7 mil
Panis Angelicus. Panis Angelicus. Very nice.Más
Panis Angelicus.
Panis Angelicus.
Very nice.
1,3 mil
Happy the poor ..... uhm well ... in spirit. Subtitles English. Happy the poor ..... uhm well ... in spirit. Theirs is the reign of the heavens. Are you poor in spirit? Being poor in spirit is not easy.Más
Happy the poor ..... uhm well ... in spirit. Subtitles English.
Happy the poor ..... uhm well ... in spirit.
Theirs is the reign of the heavens.
Are you poor in spirit?
Being poor in spirit is not easy.
1,3 mil
Bienaventurados los pobres.....uhm pues... en espíritu. Bienaventurados los pobres.....uhm pues... en espíritu. De ellos es el reino de los cielos. Es usted pobre en espíritu? Ser pobre en espíritu …Más
Bienaventurados los pobres.....uhm pues... en espíritu.
Bienaventurados los pobres.....uhm pues... en espíritu.
De ellos es el reino de los cielos.
Es usted pobre en espíritu?
Ser pobre en espíritu no es nada fácil.
1,9 mil
Gente casada que no quiere niños. Usted es casado y no quieren niños?Más
Gente casada que no quiere niños.
Usted es casado y no quieren niños?
1,6 mil
Dinero y codicia son la raíz de todos los males. Con el dinero no se puede hacer nada verídico. Pero con Jesús. Sí se puede. Usted es codicioso, cuando el propósito del dinero en su vida trascendió …Más
Dinero y codicia son la raíz de todos los males.
Con el dinero no se puede hacer nada verídico.
Pero con Jesús. Sí se puede.
Usted es codicioso, cuando el propósito del dinero en su vida trascendió de ser un medio para vivir a una meta.
Esto le sucedió a muchas personas sin que se den cuenta.