The Carmelites of Compiègne. 1794. Evil cannot triumph. There is no business with evil.
Camil Horall shares this
Satanisti,bludári a nepriatelia katolíckej cirkvi takto aj v dnešných časoch prenasledujú verných katolíkov a obráncov pravej katolíckej viery a …More
Satanisti,bludári a nepriatelia katolíckej cirkvi takto aj v dnešných časoch prenasledujú verných katolíkov a obráncov pravej katolíckej viery a kresťanstva ako kedysi umučili tieto zbožné mníšky za čias Francúzskej revolúcie...ale popravené rehoľné sestričky-mučenice získali nebo a ich vrahovia a nepriatelia cirkvi skončili vo večnom zatratení v pekle...
Není co oslavovat. Mimo jiné doporučuji: Francouzská revoluce (1989) 👏More
Není co oslavovat.
Mimo jiné doporučuji: Francouzská revoluce (1989)
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A well-educated girl.
Marie-Pierre Jeanine THIERY shares this
Mary 17
The innocent are drawn to Mary
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The Exsurge Domine Association is Born

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I just watched the magnificent video, a speech by the great Archbishop Vigano explaining the work of this new movement and association, to help bishops …More
I just watched the magnificent video, a speech by the great Archbishop Vigano explaining the work of this new movement and association, to help bishops, priests,monks,nuns, friars, and religious brothers and sisters as well as seminarians persecuted by the wicked and satanic Pope Francis, and his squad of homo associates n the Vatican and around the world. They already are helping to build a cloicter for some Italian Benedictine nuns who have been persecuted by Pope Francis and his demons, because they were close to Catholic tradition. I hope this new organization helpes all traditional Orders who find themselves under attack by a non-Catholic Pope who may ndeed be the anti-Christ, and his equally evil associates in the VAtican (some just appointed yesterday- Tucho Fernandez for the CDF), and others.
God bless Archbishop Vigano for lending his name and support to this great association, founded by faithful Catholic laymen in Italy, and already functioning in many countries around the …More
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Burdeaux, France. Enough!
Visited Lourdes & Paris. The families seem very holy in Lourdes . Women wear only dresses. I was shocked they were so liberal! Favorite place was Lourdes …More
Visited Lourdes & Paris. The families seem very holy in Lourdes . Women wear only dresses. I was shocked they were so liberal! Favorite place was Lourdes. St. Bernadette pray for us. Amen.
Live Mike
Yes, this exemplifies the very plans of the Western traitor elite globalist servants of the prince of this world... The complete destruction / ruination …More
Yes, this exemplifies the very plans of the Western traitor elite globalist servants of the prince of this world... The complete destruction / ruination of that which remains of Western Civilization through an OPEN-DOOR policy for alien Muslim hostile agents to create as much mayhem and cause as much turmoil as possible and then out of that chaos... to establish their Great Reset, One World Government... building their New World Order upon the ashes of the old.
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Five Reasons Why the ‘Christian’ Child Stabber in France May Really Be ‘Muslim’

My hunch: this man is a Muslim who pretended to be a Christian to get asylum in Europe and, on having an extra bad day, went into full-blown terrorist mode — all while still maintaining his Christian …More
My hunch: this man is a Muslim who pretended to be a Christian to get asylum in Europe and, on having an extra bad day, went into full-blown terrorist mode — all while still maintaining his Christian farce, whether out of sarcastic mockery or in an effort to aid Islam. (“See, it’s like we’ve always said,” I can hear the leftist pundits now: “Killing people while screaming about one’s religion is not unique to Islam—Christians do it too!”)
foward shares from Sally Dorman
UK teacher fired for sounding alarm over 8-year-old’s gender confusion takes legal action

Teacher challenges sacking for trans 8-year-old safeguarding concerns

A Christian primary schoolteacher has lost her job and is facing a raft of investigations from various regulatory bodies for questioning …
Vatican Apologizes to the ‘Infidel Enemies of the Christian Name’ The Vatican has abrogated three papal bulls, claiming that the documents are offensive to indigenous peoples and “have never been …More
Vatican Apologizes to the ‘Infidel Enemies of the Christian Name’
The Vatican has abrogated three papal bulls, claiming that the documents are offensive to indigenous peoples and “have never been considered expressions of the Catholic faith.”
The bulls Dum Diversas (1452), Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Caetera (1493) contain the basis for the “doctrine of discovery,” which “is not part of the teaching of the Catholic Church,” the Vatican has announced.

Vatican Apologizes to the ‘Infidel Enemies of the Christian Name’

According to a recent report, The Vatican has abrogated three papal bulls, claiming that the documents are offensive to indigenous peoples …
Very interesting news, thanks for the link!
"Leave the children to me."
Marie-Pierre Jeanine THIERY shares this
charisma shares this
"Bízzátok rám a gyerekeket."
The Redeemer.
Marie-Pierre Jeanine THIERY shares this
Love calls love to enter in to their Redeemer.
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A Ukrainian woman praying to prevent the eviction of monks is mistreated. In the background a war against the Christian religion.More
A Ukrainian woman praying to prevent the eviction of monks is mistreated.
In the background a war against the Christian religion.
Marie-Pierre Jeanine THIERY shares this
" In the background a war against the Christian religion" --- No, it is not. In eastern wild fields of the Revolution religion often plays a secondary …More
" In the background a war against the Christian religion"
No, it is not. In eastern wild fields of the Revolution religion often plays a secondary and subsidiary role constituting even a cover up for insane neo-pagan nationalism/imperialism. Russian "Orthodox" or "Greek" i.e. Ukrainian Catholic - it does not matter. These false cults have their own false saints - Holy Putin or Blessed Bandera.
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Yes, Jihad Really Means ‘Struggle,’ But That Only Makes It Worse

Canadian Catholic school student expelled from high school for saying there are only two genders

Un élève canadien d’une école catholique exclu de son lycée pour avoir dit qu’il n’y avait que …

En Ontario, un lycée catholique a exclu un élève qui donnait son avis lors d’une discussion en classe …
I hope he sues the school and wins
Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, January15th, 2023
2 pages
One page
Another Trad bishop... 🙏
Sermon for Christmas Day, Sunday Dec. 25th, 2022
2 pages
Salvatore Bastatti
From TRADITO website: Catholic [Sic] Charities Is neither Catholic nor Charitable It Has Been Laundering Money from the U.S. Government To Provide …More
From TRADITO website:
Catholic [Sic] Charities Is neither Catholic nor Charitable
It Has Been Laundering Money from the U.S. Government
To Provide Services to Illegal Invaders
Across the U.S.-Mexican Border
In Fact, These "Services" Enable More Children
To Be Trafficked into the Hands of Criminals
To Be Raped, Sodomized, and Otherwise Sexually Assaulted As Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust Continues Unabated and Actually Increases Daily Even the nightly news and the internet are now rife with stories on the collusion of Newchurch's so-called Catholic [Sic] Charities in the trafficking of illegal invaders across the U.S.-Mexican border. The amount that Newchurch has collected from the U.S. government has now offset the amount that Newchurch has expended in providing services to illegals across the border. In 2022 the U.S. Newbishops received 97,000,000 USD from the U.S. government for providing services to illegals. In 2021, this amount was 67,000,000 USD. Since 2008 the …More
2 pages
Jeffrey Ade
Thanks for that! God bless you and Merry Christmas!
When Christendom Learned to Fight Fire with Fire - by Raymond Ibrahim

When Christendom Learned to Fight Fire with Fire

The following book review by Lucine Kasbarian, a journalist and editorial cartoonist, recently appeared on American Thinker. Raymond Ibrahim's Defenders …
And now they are criticized by fake news media by woke secularist governments that dont know what the words BRAVE and COURAGE mean
Salvatore Bastatti
My sentiments exactly.
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Sermon for the 3rd Sunday in Advent, December 11th, 2022 – True joy

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. My dearly beloved in Our Lord, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice.” (Phil 4:4) With these words from St Paul Holy Church …More
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
My dearly beloved in Our Lord,
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice.” (Phil 4:4) With these words from St Paul Holy Church prays on this Sunday. He gives the reason for that true, spiritual joy which should be ours: “The Lord is nigh.” (v.5)
Our Lord speaks to the Apostles not only of joy, but of the fullness of joy. As he is about to suffer and die, in his last discourses he says: “Hitherto you have not asked any thing in my name. Ask, and you shall receive; that your joy may be full.” (Jn 16:24) Similarly he had spoken earlier about the fullness of life: “I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)Thus St Paul writes to the Romans: “He that spared not even his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how hath he not also, with him, given us all things?” (Rom 8:32)
Joy is one of the four principal passions which the Scholastics enumerate with St Thomas Aquinas. It is …More
Impressive speech by Bukele, El Salvador's president, against organised crime gangs and the primacy of God in society
Chila shares this
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Ireland: two pupils have died suddenly in one week.