Braun vs menorah, Polish Parliament
Good for you brother!
Denis Efimov
Who is this man? What is known about him besides his name?
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Satanic idol at Iowa State Capitol BEHEADED by Christian veteran
Caponnetto sobre Milei
Grazie. Sería posible para Ud. darnos algunas noticias sobre el dr. Caponnetto?
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Vincent Capuano
There are a couple Rabbis that support the libertarians and Milei. They are anti peronist. Of course, there are large numbers of Jewish businessmen who …More
There are a couple Rabbis that support the libertarians and Milei. They are anti peronist. Of course, there are large numbers of Jewish businessmen who have cozy relationships with the government and are against Milei.
I give the facts. This man says he is a Catholic?
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People in Pakistan begin attacking churches, following another Quran burning in Sweden. There is no direct link between what happens in Sweden and Pakistani Christians who attend local churches.More
People in Pakistan begin attacking churches, following another Quran burning in Sweden.
There is no direct link between what happens in Sweden and Pakistani Christians who attend local churches.
WARNING: DISTURBING FOOTAGE Naked Christian girls are being molested and led through for gang rape in the fields of the Indian state of Manipur. 🇮🇳 There have been clashes between Hindus and Christians …More
Naked Christian girls are being molested and led through for gang rape in the fields of the Indian state of Manipur.
🇮🇳 There have been clashes between Hindus and Christians there; the state has been disconnected from the internet for 2 months - evidence of atrocities committed against the Christian Kuki tribe is only now coming to light.
The women identified in the video were allegedly subsequently set on fire alive, and their village burnt out. Indian authorities allegedly demand the video be removed from all social networks - any religious leader is yet to address the atrocity.
Antonia Orosova shares this
Ľudia, kresťania si všade dnes pripomínajú mučeníčky a mučeníkov zo stredoveku a ajhľa ako zaobchádzali v Indii hinduisti s kresťankami pred pár …More
Ľudia, kresťania si všade dnes pripomínajú mučeníčky a mučeníkov zo stredoveku a ajhľa ako zaobchádzali v Indii hinduisti s kresťankami pred pár mesiacmi s všetci sú ticho a nikto ich zlé skutky neodsudzuje i taki sú ako ich ,,otcovia” zatvrdlého srdca k Bohu Otcu a chrbát miesto tváre mu ukazujú😥😡
Hnev je zlý radca,a slnko radosti nesmie zapadnúť nad našim hnevom, ale Pravda je len jedna, že živý je Boh a skrze Ježiša Krista Otcom sa nám stal a tento svet ani dnes nechce prijať a počuť Pravdu a miluje neprávosť😥😡
Boh Otec sa vysmievať nenechá a ani urážať svoje Sväté Meno skrze Krista s Kristom a v Kristovi zjavené i sám si svoje Meno oslavi a svoje deti ochráni🥰
Vyjdite z tých miest, kde vás nechcú prijať a oprášte si aj prach na topánkach, lebo ľahšie bolo Sodome a Gomore ako bude tomu mestu v deň odplaty❣️
We all worship the same God right? Ban the Novus Ordo and get ready for a Crusade!
The Carmelites of Compiègne. 1794. Evil cannot triumph. There is no business with evil.
Camil Horall shares this
Satanisti,bludári a nepriatelia katolíckej cirkvi takto aj v dnešných časoch prenasledujú verných katolíkov a obráncov pravej katolíckej viery a …More
Satanisti,bludári a nepriatelia katolíckej cirkvi takto aj v dnešných časoch prenasledujú verných katolíkov a obráncov pravej katolíckej viery a kresťanstva ako kedysi umučili tieto zbožné mníšky za čias Francúzskej revolúcie...ale popravené rehoľné sestričky-mučenice získali nebo a ich vrahovia a nepriatelia cirkvi skončili vo večnom zatratení v pekle...
Není co oslavovat. Mimo jiné doporučuji: Francouzská revoluce (1989) 👏More
Není co oslavovat.
Mimo jiné doporučuji: Francouzská revoluce (1989)
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A well-educated girl.
Marie-Pierre Jeanine THIERY shares this
Mary 17
The innocent are drawn to Mary
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Burdeaux, France. Enough!
Visited Lourdes & Paris. The families seem very holy in Lourdes . Women wear only dresses. I was shocked they were so liberal! Favorite place was Lourdes …More
Visited Lourdes & Paris. The families seem very holy in Lourdes . Women wear only dresses. I was shocked they were so liberal! Favorite place was Lourdes. St. Bernadette pray for us. Amen.
Live Mike
Yes, this exemplifies the very plans of the Western traitor elite globalist servants of the prince of this world... The complete destruction / ruination …More
Yes, this exemplifies the very plans of the Western traitor elite globalist servants of the prince of this world... The complete destruction / ruination of that which remains of Western Civilization through an OPEN-DOOR policy for alien Muslim hostile agents to create as much mayhem and cause as much turmoil as possible and then out of that chaos... to establish their Great Reset, One World Government... building their New World Order upon the ashes of the old.
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A Ukrainian woman praying to prevent the eviction of monks is mistreated. In the background a war against the Christian religion.More
A Ukrainian woman praying to prevent the eviction of monks is mistreated.
In the background a war against the Christian religion.
Marie-Pierre Jeanine THIERY shares this
" In the background a war against the Christian religion" --- No, it is not. In eastern wild fields of the Revolution religion often plays a secondary …More
" In the background a war against the Christian religion"
No, it is not. In eastern wild fields of the Revolution religion often plays a secondary and subsidiary role constituting even a cover up for insane neo-pagan nationalism/imperialism. Russian "Orthodox" or "Greek" i.e. Ukrainian Catholic - it does not matter. These false cults have their own false saints - Holy Putin or Blessed Bandera.
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Impressive speech by Bukele, El Salvador's president, against organised crime gangs and the primacy of God in society
Chila shares this
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Please pray for peace in Ukraine. This carnage must end as soon as possible.
Just me remember Zelensky is the actor playing out the show directed by managers. The pivotal point was the Orange Revolution set up in Ukraine to …More
Just me remember Zelensky is the actor playing out the show directed by managers. The pivotal point was the Orange Revolution set up in Ukraine to subvert it for criminal purposes, i.e. biological warfare labs, human-trafficking, expulsion/ transfer population, resettlement of people, market and asset takeover, partition of Ukraine etc. Ever since then the western states through intelligence services, mafias and lodges are infiltrating Ukraine far beyond their explicit roles you hear about. While the inevitable war has substantially eclipsed the western covid genocide, the global agenda is being cunningly implemented behind the war scene on which the eyes of "we the people" are directed towards... Just see here McCain with ISIS and Ukraine. So people are in reality the victims of warmongers.. Below try substituting the word ISIS with "NAZI" to get a sharper image of the 'red herring' with the "nazi Ukrainians"...
Holodomor: don't forget
I watched a documentary on Holodomor, and it is in no way even remotely similar to the present Russo-Ukrainian War. Putin for example, unlike Stalin …More
I watched a documentary on Holodomor, and it is in no way even remotely similar to the present Russo-Ukrainian War. Putin for example, unlike Stalin has not prevented Ukrainian farmers from planting, tending, and harvesting their agricultural produce, or targeted the agricultural industry.