Pro-life Catholic blasts liberal bishops’ agenda

You liberal bishops have helped create this culture of death directly, by the work of your own hands. Don’t think that the blood of those babies, of those souls that fall into Hell because of their …More
You liberal bishops have helped create this culture of death directly, by the work of your own hands. Don’t think that the blood of those babies, of those souls that fall into Hell because of their evil sexual practices will not weigh in the scales against you on your judgment day….
You have supported a political system which has brought morality in this country to its knees and made a virtuous life the butt of jokes.
Yes, you! Do you think you will escape responsibility for your deeds and their consequences – your sins of omission and commission – what you have done and what you have failed to do?
… You have compromised with evil – you covered up the rape of children and plead ignorance afterwards.
You have allowed hordes of homosexual men to become priests and then promoted them after ordination to influential positions on the Church where they could reign down their spiritual terror on the unsuspecting faithful.
You have not just allowed but encouraged a spirit of radical feminism to …
Janet O'Connor
Yes indeed and it all started IMHO in September 1968 after Pope Venerable Paul VI published Human Life with the WINNEPEG STATEMENT. It all went down from there in the false idea of COLLEGIALITY or what is really a parallel Magisterium. Let's face it and say it these Bishops are MODERNISTS 😇