PHOTOS From the subway to the sacred: Brooklyn’s breathtaking Eucharistic Revival

PHOTOS: Brooklyn’s breathtaking Eucharistic Revival

Bishop Robert Brennan from the Diocese of Brooklyn is not your typical bishop — and I mean that with the utmost respect for the men who hold the office …
Does this revival mean they will all start receiving kneeling and on the tongue? If not is is no revival , more like a reversal of all that is good and holy.
Tom Morelli
Hey, it's a start. Anything can happen with the help of the Holy Spirit/God. 😉 🙏 👏
Wishful thinking I think but let’s hope and pray
Tom Morelli
Is the glass half full or half empty? Something to ponder.
I agree - a real Eucharistic revival will mean communion rails are put back into all churches, tabernacles will be restored to the center of the main altar, communion in the hand will be forbidden, only communion on the tongue will be allowed and received while kneeling if physically possible for the communicant, and NO MORE lay Eucharistic ministers whose hands have not been consecrated to distribute …More
I agree - a real Eucharistic revival will mean communion rails are put back into all churches, tabernacles will be restored to the center of the main altar, communion in the hand will be forbidden, only communion on the tongue will be allowed and received while kneeling if physically possible for the communicant, and NO MORE lay Eucharistic ministers whose hands have not been consecrated to distribute Holy Communion. Furthermore, confession lines will be as long as communion lines. No more leisure attire will be allowed in the worship space and priests will once again celebrate the Sacred Mysteries ad orientem - no more "dialogue Masses," even though the native tongue of the people might be used along with Latin for the scripture readings. In short, Our Lord and the entire Blessed Trinity will be the focus of worship rather than "building up community relations among congregants." We will be once again a God-centered church rather than the human-centered church we have become as a result of the novus ordo and the destructive reforms of Vatican II and its aftermath.