Gloria.TV News on the 7th of January 2015

Let's hope you are right regarding the wicked relatio... because the antipopes of the past never spoke one word from the Holy Spirit and if (by what the survey says) and how the Synod is conformed (Wuerl, Forte, Schonborn...) the gifts of gay couples and communion to the divorced and remarried, will happen and it'll put Francis out the Catholic Church... contradicting our Lord and the martyrdom by …More
Let's hope you are right regarding the wicked relatio... because the antipopes of the past never spoke one word from the Holy Spirit and if (by what the survey says) and how the Synod is conformed (Wuerl, Forte, Schonborn...) the gifts of gay couples and communion to the divorced and remarried, will happen and it'll put Francis out the Catholic Church... contradicting our Lord and the martyrdom by many in England will be his downfall.

Gloria.TV News on the 7th of January 2015

Thanks LWTF, sadly right now the survey says it all, and if we were betting I could bet the the gifts of the unrepentant will rain on us in October.
It is my hope that I'm mistaken, because if they accept the orthodox solution or any other solution so that gay couples can walk hand in hand in procession to get the Eucharist or deny a revealed truth given by our Lord's very lips on divorce and …More
Thanks LWTF, sadly right now the survey says it all, and if we were betting I could bet the the gifts of the unrepentant will rain on us in October.

It is my hope that I'm mistaken, because if they accept the orthodox solution or any other solution so that gay couples can walk hand in hand in procession to get the Eucharist or deny a revealed truth given by our Lord's very lips on divorce and remarried couples, then they will seal their fate, a manifest heretic is no longer Catholic, and if I'm a betting man th8s os precisely what is going to happen...

I could see now the pope telling the world "I'll do what my bishops ask of me" and then go on and celebrate the god of surprises. If they corrupt the church with that choice, it is my sincere hope that people who have one cc of fear for the Lord, reject that lie from hell... are you a betting man? Would you still support such strange teaching? Because anybody who does will be cut off and the door will be shut in their faces like the unprepared virgins. We will see in October.

UK bishops compare defenders of Catholic moral discipline to ancient rigorist heretics

That's right Piotr2000, Francis is the one giving his approval to th8s mess, and he doesn't care at all about tradition, so in his eyes it's not apostasy, but 'mercy'... yeap, false mercy that is.

Gloria.TV News on the 7th of January 2015

Don't worry LWTF... Francis and the enemies within the church has spoken, you can see it in the new survey from the Vatican, they will embrace the gifts of the unrepentant, they will say Yes to false Mercy in October and by doing that they will cease to be Catholics, no pope has the authority to dismissed dogma in favor of a strange teaching, this is exactly what the orthodox did, the Schism is …More
Don't worry LWTF... Francis and the enemies within the church has spoken, you can see it in the new survey from the Vatican, they will embrace the gifts of the unrepentant, they will say Yes to false Mercy in October and by doing that they will cease to be Catholics, no pope has the authority to dismissed dogma in favor of a strange teaching, this is exactly what the orthodox did, the Schism is precisely that, by rejecting truth they will cease to be Catholic, and sadly they will, by their actions... vindicate what I've been saying, that Francis is a destroyer not a true pastor. I remember one of your many debates in which you were saying "The wicked relatio is out, Francis have said this, it will not be accepted" you said... when you read the survey you see exactly the opposite, they are embracing it with a different set of words...

October will be the month, in which our dear Church will suffer, not because of this destroyer, because many will follow this falseness... You are free to think and feel however you want my friend, I went out of my way to give you a piece of my mind, I will try not to do it again. People who treasure spiritual gain knows a demolition of the faith is what is going on, like Pilate Francis "will do what the Church asks of him" and embrace a strange teaching, communion to the divorce and remarried and the culture of encounter is what will be the law and by doing that, by rejecting a reveal truth from our Lord's lips they will cease to be Catholic, afterwards it'll be declare, how they cut themselves out and how we must remain firm to the teachings of our forefathers. Hope that you open your eyes in time, because desolation is coming our way, the abomination of desolation will be established and rivers of tears will be the everyday news from there on.

May you and others open their eyes in time, blessings 🙏

What is the Society of St Pius X? - Episode 01 - SSPX FAQ Videos

Awesome! God bless the SSPX. 🙏

Gloria.TV News on the 7th of January 2015

2015, the year where faithful catholics will see how most of the church will cease to remain Catholic to become apostates, 2015 the schism year.

Gloria.TV News on the 27th of October 2014

When I say trust and faith is not my god is people... my God is Jesus and my trust is in Him, but 'some' people have done many things to me that this is why I've said what I've said. Unfortunately I trusted some which bashed my sweet pope Benedict and I trusted this people because of that I find myself alone in this fight and is ok, because my only friend is Jesus and He will never disappoint me. …More
When I say trust and faith is not my god is people... my God is Jesus and my trust is in Him, but 'some' people have done many things to me that this is why I've said what I've said. Unfortunately I trusted some which bashed my sweet pope Benedict and I trusted this people because of that I find myself alone in this fight and is ok, because my only friend is Jesus and He will never disappoint me. Blessings.

La Pastoral por encima de la Doctrina ?

La doctrina sin la pastoral no existe... eso de hacer lo que la doctrina no dice por amor a un realismo eso mismo paso cunado los españoles (con perdón a los fieles españoles) llegaron a America ofreciendoles espejitos a los indios en cambio de su oro... es lo mismo, a los Catolicos nos ofrecen espejitos para contentarnos que estamos haciendo un bien, cuando en realidad es un mal... decir la verdad …More
La doctrina sin la pastoral no existe... eso de hacer lo que la doctrina no dice por amor a un realismo eso mismo paso cunado los españoles (con perdón a los fieles españoles) llegaron a America ofreciendoles espejitos a los indios en cambio de su oro... es lo mismo, a los Catolicos nos ofrecen espejitos para contentarnos que estamos haciendo un bien, cuando en realidad es un mal... decir la verdad, PROCLAMAR la verdad fue a lo que Jesús nos mandó, y la verdad es la misma Gloria de Dios encarnada, la palabra que creó todo, el resplandor de Dios mismo, Jesús... y decirle te acepto sin convertirlo, decir bienvenido sin decir la verdad es una puerta al infierno que ponemos delante de la persona afectada y nos la abrimos a nosotros mismos por NO decir la verdad.

Ya se han cumplido demasiadas profecias, y la de una ceremonia (en navidad) por amor al dios de la justicia social se dio en el vaticano ovidandose la brisa fresca del vaticano del cumpleaños de Jesús.

Los pobres necesitan la palabra de Dios, no un programa social, los homosexuales necesitan la palabra de Dios para que se arrepientan y busquen pureza, pero NOOOO... es mejor NO hacer proselitismo, hay que estar en favor de una cultura de encuentro y una evangelizacion falsa, porque es por "atracción" según el mas humilde papa sentado en la silla de Pedro.

El Cisma viene y no porque uno quiera, sino porque somos necios y nos gusta necear y esto es lo que merecemos por nuestras trangresiones... Dios ha permitido esto para dividir la espiga de los espinos y esta por llegar la hora de la desolación, este es el primer año de las tribulaciones, pronto el cisma, luego el aviso, luego la Guerra, luego el anticristo, luego la 2da venida de Jesús y durante todo ese tiempo la persecución acrecentará mas y mas... para los afortunados el martirio, para los mas afortunados ver a Jesus llegar entre las nubes... 2015 es el año en que ya los acismados por su rechazo a la verdad se gozaran en su maldad pensando que se hicieron con la iglesia, que nos quitaron las estructuras, y nos llamaran como ya lo hacen, sedevacantes, cismaticos, legalistas... pero los que ya no son catolicos son ellos, y nosotros a pesar de no tener las estructuras, tendremos la fe. 🙏

"Hipocresías con Alzheimer"

Michael Matt decia en su ultimo video del Remnant, ek se hacia la pregunta "Estara Francisco enfermo de la mente?" Como puede ser que se haga tal pregunta pues a pesar de su edad solo arremete contra catolicos, alli no hay demencia senil cuando selectivamente senala como hipocritas, de mente cerrada, mundanos, fariseos a aquellos que son fieles catolicos de pensamiento y practica tradicional.
Todo …More
Michael Matt decia en su ultimo video del Remnant, ek se hacia la pregunta "Estara Francisco enfermo de la mente?" Como puede ser que se haga tal pregunta pues a pesar de su edad solo arremete contra catolicos, alli no hay demencia senil cuando selectivamente senala como hipocritas, de mente cerrada, mundanos, fariseos a aquellos que son fieles catolicos de pensamiento y practica tradicional.

Todo el mundo le aplaude sus arremetidas, y el "ora para que se conviertan esos catolicos de mente cerrada" le fascina que se presente oposicion pero les maltrata... sabemos porque le gusta, porque el cree que le vamos a dejar la iglesia para ellos, cuando son ellos que ya dejaron la iglesia hace mucho. Ellos mismos dejaron de ser catolicos, obtendran las estructuras pero nosotros tenemosnuestra fe.

Faithful Catholics are reconsidering Pope Francis`s words

Don't worry, I'll make it easy for ya', I will never post anything again good or bad... be watchful. Goodbye 😇

Svmmi Pontifices. Audio: Ave Mundi Spes Maria Testamentum Æternum Dedit Dominus Confessionem Sancto …

Francis IS NOT pope! He is an antipope, the false prophet, the destroyer prophesied by St Francis of Assisi 😡

Today is hard to be a Catholic... (Worldliness in the Holy Temple)

The most Holiest pope ever to walk the earth pope Francis has said clearly that he is "teaching" and we knew from the beginning that he was, teaching worldliness... This the worldliness am speaking about, soon we will all have to Flee, as the wicked relatio WILL be approved as the "God of surprises" will surprise says Bergoglio... more surveys poured in and as he will have the opportunity to wash …More
The most Holiest pope ever to walk the earth pope Francis has said clearly that he is "teaching" and we knew from the beginning that he was, teaching worldliness... This the worldliness am speaking about, soon we will all have to Flee, as the wicked relatio WILL be approved as the "God of surprises" will surprise says Bergoglio... more surveys poured in and as he will have the opportunity to wash his hands as he once said "I will do what my bishops want"...

The Bruno Forte confirmation is revealing, the boasting of sins speech is revealing, the universalism protestant theology is revealing, but we are sedevacanists for barking at the most humble human being ever to walk the earth, who is disgusted at that Eucharistic fasting which many saints had and he who is "praying" for the conversion of those small minded traditionalists who stand firm to Holy Scripture, those who were called persistently at the synod "Legalists" and he who likes room service at Santa Marta, called Pharisees.

The Fleeing is around the corner and talking about it is not a betrayal, but a warning, been prepared is good and denouncing the lies from hell that comes from the top it is MANDATORY, as many don't know what is truth and what is not. Fleeing is not making another church, but embracing the example of St Athanasius, being Catholic while 80%of the Church has fallen away... soon many for not obeying God rather than men will fall, sadly, it is sad... very sad, I wish this never had happened, but it is...

2015, is when the apostasy is fully establish...

The time of the wheat and the chaff has come and a sense of falseness and false joy will come this Christmas, because social justice will be worship, instead of the God of gods, the light of lights our LOrd Jesus Christ. Lord have Mercy on us. Amen

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

Francis IS an antipope, the false prophet, open your eyes

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

Bruno Forte confirmed... but hey prays for conservatives to convert!!!

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

Pope BEnedict, despite what many like to believe, is a prisoner

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

Hey Francis, are those pharisees also go to heaven?

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

St Francis of Assisi prophecy fulfilled by his hammering of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

Francis is the false prophet prophesied...

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

Total protestant theology

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

Disgusted by the Eucharistic fasting