
Gloria.TV News on the 18th of July 2014

Taken from the Jewish 'Holy book' the Talmud:
Sanhedrin 58b. "If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed, hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.
Let's Remember That Pope Gregory IX and Innocent IV had This so-called 'holy book' of the Jews Put into the Flames.
Sanhedrin 57a. "A Jew need not pay a Gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b. Gentiles …More
Taken from the Jewish 'Holy book' the Talmud:

Sanhedrin 58b. "If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed, hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.

Let's Remember That Pope Gregory IX and Innocent IV had This so-called 'holy book' of the Jews Put into the Flames.

Sanhedrin 57a. "A Jew need not pay a Gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b. Gentiles (non-Jews) can't be trusted with cows because they do immoral things with them, and they sexually prefer the cattle of Israelites to their own wives.'

Shabbath 116a. Jews should destroy Christian books [ironically].

Yebamoth 98a. Gentiles, "whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses," have children who are legally fatherless.

Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed (Tob shebe goyyim harog).

Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a Gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty, and what a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep.

Sanhedrin 54b. "A Jewish man may marry a female child who has reached the age of Three Years (yes, THREE years) and one day and May Consummate that marriage. 🀦

Gloria.TV News on the 18th of July 2014

. @RoccoAnthony... Some people can't handle the truth. Thanks for putting the facts out there.


. Why is this posted for the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, which isn't until September.. or is it more about promoting interracial marriages?

Gloria.TV News on the 8th of July 2014

"The church doesn't kick anyone out".. "except for the SSPX". What else can be expected when the Jews are running the show.

Fr. Walkers FSSP, the murdered Priest of Phoenix- last Homily

Fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei, requiescant in pace. Amen RIP Fr. Walker

Fr. Walkers FSSP, the murdered Priest of Phoenix- last Homily

Just ordained two years ago..Fellow seminarian described this priest brought up in a family of 11 children, that Fr Walker would pray and give thanks before eating even a cookie, besides his meals.

Pentecost 2014 A complete Catholic Mass

. This hoax of a 'mass' is what has contributed to what the church has become. This is NOT Catholic. Shameful.

Cardinal plays Samba in Church. Cardinal Maradiaga..who else? The Cardinal who treats Mass vestments …

And those cheering are the ones who receive communion in the paw.

Estimated 1 Million + March in Paris Against Gay 'marriage' Plans

Raise your kids to know the truth about the perversion of homosexuality. They are being brainwashed into believing it is just another way of living. 🀦

The Pope and Notre Dame. ChurchMilitant.TV .. Lord Jesus, help us save souls

Notre Dame has lost any credibility it ever had. So many are just plain corrupt! They've lost any sense of what being a Catholic is. πŸ™
Thanks Voris...keep up the good work πŸ‘More
Notre Dame has lost any credibility it ever had. So many are just plain corrupt! They've lost any sense of what being a Catholic is. πŸ™

Thanks Voris...keep up the good work πŸ‘

Pope’s high praise for Cardinal Sean O’Malley

"Rev." Anne Robertson.... living in fairyland 🀦
Card. O'Malley...dances in 'fairyland' ... along with all the other 'fairies' 🧐More
"Rev." Anne Robertson.... living in fairyland 🀦

Card. O'Malley...dances in 'fairyland' ... along with all the other 'fairies' 🧐

Pope: Same-Sex Marriage Is 'Anthropological Regression'

But let your speech be, 'Yes, yes'Β ; 'No, no'Β ; and whatever is beyond these comes from the evil one.
(Matt 5:37)

Maybe someone needs to follow this passage... πŸ‘ŒMore
But let your speech be, 'Yes, yes'Β ; 'No, no'Β ; and whatever is beyond these comes from the evil one.
(Matt 5:37)

Maybe someone needs to follow this passage... πŸ‘Œ

Papst verwirrt Ministranten (Nov 2013)

@AlekZ..yea, I agree! wasn't a very bright comment to make to the young man. 🀦
🀦 😲More
@AlekZ..yea, I agree! wasn't a very bright comment to make to the young man. 🀦

🀦 😲

Nun Gives Birth to Baby Named After Pope

@Seasons... Is that what you have to say about all the homosexual priests too? Their only human? All the pedophile priests? Their only human?

Refusing to Submit to the Roman Pontiff is Spiritual Shipwreck: The SSPX are Protestant

Father Nicholson,
How is it that you make such a statement in regards to the SSPX as not being Catholic, yet you stand by those clergy who as you must know, care Nothing about what the pope has to say and or whatever comes out of Rome.
You say at least they remain "in the Church". What 'church' is that Father? What church do these priests who try to refuse you communion on the tongue or when we …More
Father Nicholson,

How is it that you make such a statement in regards to the SSPX as not being Catholic, yet you stand by those clergy who as you must know, care Nothing about what the pope has to say and or whatever comes out of Rome.
You say at least they remain "in the Church". What 'church' is that Father? What church do these priests who try to refuse you communion on the tongue or when we kneel..which church do they belong to? Or the priests and nuns who believe its a womans' choice to abort or not...what church do they 'remain' in? And the homosexual priests offering mass and later going to meet up with his partner/lover..what church has he remained in? What church is it that so many clergy could care less about their own souls not to mention those of us....What church is that they they belong to?

Does stress in womb raise chances of baby growing up to be homosexual?

I Don't believe any of this...Homosexuality is not a creation of God (not that the article states so) and has been proven case by case to be a lack of a father and or mother within the household. Sure not all kids become homos not having a mother/father around. But in the cases of homosexuals you will find that in most cases that is the reason. Insecurity, feeling unloved, and away from God, they …More
I Don't believe any of this...Homosexuality is not a creation of God (not that the article states so) and has been proven case by case to be a lack of a father and or mother within the household. Sure not all kids become homos not having a mother/father around. But in the cases of homosexuals you will find that in most cases that is the reason. Insecurity, feeling unloved, and away from God, they find themselves with such unnatural tendencies and many believe that is the way they were created.
This is a scourge on all mankind..a Perversion that cries to the heavens!

I read somewhere where it is highly recommended that a woman carrying a child should often bless herself and the baby she carries using holy water. Pray and read Scripture..attend Holy Mass regularly as we all should.

Gloria.TV News on the 20th of Jenuary 2014

Bishop Felix Gmur - only took 11 years since his priestly ordination to become a bishop. And now making $190,000 πŸ™‚ not bad!More
Bishop Felix Gmur - only took 11 years since his priestly ordination to become a bishop. And now making $190,000 πŸ™‚ not bad!

The Gay Priest Party! How many priests and bishops are going to be in Hell?

Enough talking..where's the action?!

The Pope’s Thursday Homily Against Giving Scandal

Mahony concelebrating..what a joke. Sad...Sad

Praying for the Emperor. Helping the poor

Love the traditional Latin Mass!