vince mcavoy
vince mcavoy

HIDDEN Jewish Tunnels in New York City!

this will be an interesting (and likely tragic, horrid, perverse) story to follow
vince mcavoy


we should just keep quiet until the US is populated by 50% illegals (35% right now) flooding thru our borderS & companies/land owned entirely by China & U.N. globalists.
( or perhaps we need to be real about who we should be supporting & how that graph shows how women & poc fail Americans
...especially Christians...
at every turn.
but that takes saying the quiet part out loud. )More
we should just keep quiet until the US is populated by 50% illegals (35% right now) flooding thru our borderS & companies/land owned entirely by China & U.N. globalists.

( or perhaps we need to be real about who we should be supporting & how that graph shows how women & poc fail Americans
...especially Christians...
at every turn.
but that takes saying the quiet part out loud. )
vince mcavoy

All Catholics MUST Oppose Sodoma Supplicans

Rev. 22:20
please Lord Jesus